“I have come as a Light into the world, so that whoever believes in Me, whoever cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me, may not continue to live in darkness.” [John 12:46 AMP]

“Of Little Faith and Fearful”, the shortest knight and very much full of fright, abandons his call of duty to The Great King because he believes he’s unqualified for service. He soon discovers, from personal encounter, how The Great King qualifies the called.

Guess what?
The Great King is terribly good, you know. 
HE knows everything, can do any and all things and can be everywhere at the same time, HE even knows your name. 
The Great King can never lie because HE is TRUTH, and HE always keeps HIS promises to you.
You may be kindred to “Of Little Faith and Fearful” – short on stature, but wishing tall; short on faith, but hoping evermore; weak, afraid and lonely in a crowd, but longing to be understood. 
Hmm… me, too.
But we don’t have to play the guessing game. You and I don’t have to wonder or wander. The Great King wants us to know, without a doubt, that HE loves us, and when we believe, trust, listen and obey HIM, HE will give us new sight, also known as a new heart, a new name and special gifts to be used for HIS fame.
HE bestows Grace and Mercy, invisible constant companions, to help us grow and discover our talents to be used in HIS service.
The Great King calls us, “Beloved”. We are different but the same, unique and special to HIM.
TRUTH is greater than our feelings. Our feelings change all the time, but TRUTH never changes.
Just believe, Beloved. Just believe.
Gerre Bracey Harris
“For GOD did not give us a spirit of timidity, of cowardice, of craven or cringing or fawning fear, but He has given us a spirit of power and of love and of a calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.”  [2 Timothy 1:7 AMP]
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